Top Tips for eCommerce Website SEO

Posted on May 15, 2015 by admin

Ecommerce is an extremely competitive market in almost every type of product area, so ensuring that your website is high up on the rankings is essential to creating and maintaining business. Here are some of our top tips for boosting your eCommerce page ranking.

Unique Content

Google and other search engines are constantly modifying their search results algorithms, so while at one point a certain method may work best for boosting your site up the rankings, the next month it may have been modified. Amongst the different techniques, creating unique content has remained one of the top methods of SEO.

Search engines feed off unique content and if it is related to your relevant keywords then these are huge steps in the right direction. Be careful not to repeat the same phrases too often and to keep the article as coherent as possible.

Providing regular and keyword specified updates is an efficient and relatively easy way of rising up the rankings for the desired keywords that you have chosen. Avoid posting duplicate content as much as possible, as this can have a detrimental effect on your search ranking.

Categories and Linking

In the past, much of SEO revolved around building external and internal links. Nowadays search engines are much smarter and are able to realize any unethical practices, so don’t try to cheat the system with garbage links, or you will most likely be punished in your search rankings.

Another of the top tips for eCommerce website SEO, is to ensure that your products have a detailed explanation or information page, and where possible, contain targeted keywords. In addition to this, creating categories for your products will also help with search rankings and website navigation.

Creating a product review section is one of the easiest to implement tips for eCommerce website SEO and will allow user reviews to contribute to your overall website content.

Blogging and Social Media

As social media and blogging have become increasingly prevalent, using and engaging with them has become one of the key tips for eCommerce website SEO.

Building relationships with bloggers is a crucial way to generate valuable inbound links from reputable and high page ranking websites. Utilizing guest blog posts, which is the method of getting the author of a blog to post about your product or website with designated keywords, is one of the most effective tips for eCommerce website SEO.

While the tips above are a great start for assisting with SEO, the importance of experience and the knowledge that a professional SEO company brings to the table should not be overlooked.

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